Sunday, July 18, 2010

LOVE, DON'T HATE: Brussel Sprouts

I understand how scary brussel sprouts can be. Cooked the wrong way or barely cooked at all, brussel sprouts make you want to say, "Blech!" Brussel sprouts just steamed or boiled leave a lot of flavor to be desired-- and if cooked too long a lingering sulfurous stench. My dad, who isn't a picky eater at all, once told me, "Life is too short to have to eat brussel sprouts." With that I really hadn't tried them until one fateful day at Google.

One of the best perks of working at Google is the food. Having several cafes at work to choose from for breakfast, lunch and dinner is something I really miss-- but that's another story. Let's talk brussel sprouts. I didn't grow up eating them and was warned against them. But as I walked down the buffet line one lunch at work, I was curious about the browned brussel sprouts. I love cabbage, so could they be that bad? They were halved, browned, lemony and spicy. They were delicious! I went back for seconds.

I started experimenting with cooking them at home, knowing there were very few ingredients in the brussel sprouts our chef made. I've perfected my inspired recipe to the right amount heat, salt and lemon flavor for Chris and I. They're a vegetable side I rotate into dinners regularly, and I definitely crave them when it's been a while. Truth be told, Chris has to remind me to get my hands out of the pan once they're done so that there are some left for dinner!

If you've been a brussel sprout hater in the past, I dare you try these. They just might convert you :)

recipe from Trish Garber
serves 2-4

  • 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes (more or less to your taste)
  • ~20 brussel sprouts
  • 2 lemons
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Wash and halve the brussel sprouts.
  2. Heat olive oil and red pepper flakes over medium heat in a large pan.
  3. Place all of the halved brussel sprouts inside/light-side down. Zest one of the lemons on top of the brussel sprouts. Cook them facing down this way until browned.
  4. Pour the juice of both lemons on top of the brussel sprouts and immediately cover to steam the brussel sprouts. Shake the pan around occasionally to prevent sticking and burning. If you find they are still sticking or burning before cooked through, turn down the heat a bit and add a little more lemon juice.
  5. Once tender, uncover and salt and pepper to taste. I recommend fresh-cracked salt if you have it.

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